I just got the latest version of all Kicad software. I created a component to use in my schematics. The part is basically a rectangle with pins on all four sides.
I’ve placed it on a schematic and can not find any way to reposition the names of the pins. I did see how I can change the “pin offset” … which for my part, shifts the pin left or right (for pins on left & right side of part). When I connect a wire to the pin, the wire goes straight through the pin name … making it unreadable.
I played with the “place pin names inside”, which for me moved the pin names on top of the pin numbers - making them unreadable.
It’s looking to me like the only option for me to have “pin names” and pin numbers is to make the actual pin names NULL, and then add text labels inside the component body …. a some what awkward step.
Am I missing another, more sensible option ?