Polygons with StepUp?

I’m working with the latest and greatest StepUp Version and Kicad Version 5.99.0-9568-gb9d26a55f2) and I haven’t been able to get the polygons to import into the FreeCad model. (Importing the board then Add tracks). I thought that worked previously. I’ve tried polygons on both copper and soldermask layers.
I strongly suspect I’m doing something wrong since I didn’t find anything in a search. I’ve tried a couple of versions of both StepUp and Kicad, has something changed or am I mistaken this was ever possible?

Minimal file I am using for testing:sandbox.kicad_pcb (2.4 KB)

Are you sure that StepUp is working with v5.99 ? Polygons work fine in the stable version (5.1.9).

Your board imports fine in StepUp but the message is that there is no copper to add.

09:03:11  opening D:/Data/Downloads/sandbox.kicad_pcb
09:03:11  my file path D:\Data\Downloads
09:03:11  py3
09:03:11  grid origin not set
using default top left corner
09:03:11  PCB Loader 
09:03:11  pcb thickness 1.6mm
09:03:11  kicad_pcb version 20210228
09:03:11  parsing
09:03:11  4 edge segments
09:03:11  aux origin not found
09:03:11  grid origin not set
default value on top left corner
09:03:11  parsing&building time 0.001
09:03:11  start adding constraints to pcb sketch
09:03:11  using constrainator
09:03:11  check to sanitize
09:03:11  adding constraints time 0.002
09:03:11  created PCB face w/ edge tolerance -> 0.01 mm
09:03:11  running time: 0.012sec
09:03:11  start cutting
09:03:11  using hierarchy container
09:03:11  cutting time 0.0
09:03:11  pcb dimensions: (27.94;24.26;1.60)
09:03:11  running time: 0.022sec
09:03:11  FC Version 019-23323
09:03:11  creating hierarchy
09:03:11  placing board @ 0,0
09:03:11  building up pcb time 0.022
09:03:11  running time: 0.054sec
09:03:11  VBO status False
09:03:11  ReadShapeCompoundMode status True
09:03:11  running time: 0.069sec
09:03:11  info message
09:03:11  Board Placed @ 0.00;0.00;0.0
09:03:11  kicad pcb pos: (114.94;-85.66;0.00)
09:03:11  pcb dimensions: (27.94;24.26;1.60)
09:03:11  thread ViewFitting
09:03:12  running time: 0.069sec
09:03:12  GridOrigin is set in FC Preferences but not set in KiCAD pcbnew file
09:03:13  FreeCAD build date: 2020/12/12
09:03:13  STEP UseAppPart available
09:03:24  tracks version: 1.1
09:03:27  py3
09:03:27  kicad_parser_version 1.1.7
09:03:27  py3
09:03:27  making copper layer "F.Cu"...
09:03:27      making holes...
09:03:27        pad holes: 0, skipped: 0
09:03:27        oval holes: 0
09:03:27        via holes: 0, skipped: 0
09:03:27        total holes added: 0
09:03:27      holes done
09:03:27    making pads...
09:03:27      modules: 0
09:03:27      pads: 0, skipped: 0
09:03:27      vias: 0, skipped: 0
09:03:27      total pads added: 0
09:03:27    pads done
09:03:27    making tracks...
09:03:27    tracks done
09:03:27    making zones...
09:03:27    zones done
09:03:27  <Exception> no shape added
09:03:27  Running the Python command 'ksuToolsAddTracks' failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\uestrada\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod\kicadStepUpCMD.py", line 3215, in Activated
  File "C:\Users\uestrada\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod\tracks.py", line 247, in addtracks
    pcb.makeCopper(holes=True, minSize=minSizeDrill)
  File "C:\Users\uestrada\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod\kicad_parser.py", line 1423, in makeCopper
    obj = self._makeArea(objs,'copper',fit_arcs=fit_arcs)
  File "C:\Users\uestrada\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod\kicad_parser.py", line 683, in _makeArea
    ret = ret.getShape()

no shape added

it does work, but it doesn’t have all the new features format for traces.

you are adding plane using a new function ‘gr_rect’, available only on k5.99.
ATM ksu doesn’t support this (and never did) for importing traces.

Now I found what you meant … it works using fill zones (with polygons). You can obtain the same result of your sample board using a fill zone.

About the gr_rect function you may add an issue at my gh repo… I’ll see if I can add a support for this option too.

1 Like

You are exactly right. It was fill zones. I’ll add the issue at the gh repo. Thanks!!

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