“I have a net tie with two different names and I want to create a polygon for both of them. However, when I name the polygon with the first net’s name, the polygon is cut around the second net. How can I solve this issue in KiCad?”
I’m not using net ties so can make mistake in what I write.
If you use net tie than you want to connect two nets in this place.
Polygon can have associated with it only one net, I think. So it will of course avoid being connected with second net.
If you need such big net tie (like your whole polygon) than you probably can define such net tie footprint.
You may have to share further information about you want to do with the net tie. A Kelvin connection for a NMOS maybe?
yes I would like to make kelvin connection for the current sense resistor
A net tie is treated as a component with symbol and footprint. As such, it has two (pins or pads). Each one of those pins or pads is connected to one of the nets.
I have used net ties a few times. I even managed to put one on an inner layer although the KiCad version was not designed to do that. (I cheated with a text editor.)
See if something from my zip is helpful.
Bobs_Net_Ties.pretty.zip (4.6 KB)
What about neck ties? I guess they are actually useless so we cannot use those either.