Polygon pads cause DRC errors

I’m making a new version of a board that I did two months back. At that point in time, the board had no errors, but now in 7.0.8 the DRC insists that custom polygon pads have no clearance to the pad they are connected to (see screenshot). Is this intentional, or is it a bug?

I think this might be related to this thread as well.

The very same thing also cause the error “Front solder mask aperture Bridges items with different nets”:

I guess that the polygon and the copper pad are not combined to a “custom pad shape” so the DRC sees this copper polygon as not belonging to the pad. In that case the DRC would be correct.
Why this was not flagged as drc in the older kicad version - I don’t know.

To check if this assumption is correct: open the footprint in the footprint editor and try to select Pad1 and the surrounding polygon. If they can be selected individually: then you have two individual items and no custom pad.
To create the custom pad shape: select only the pad #1 -->RMB-click–>context menu–>Edit Pad as graphic shapes. You can directly leave this pad-edit mode (also with context menu), all connected copper (your polygon) is automatically added to the pad.

If that doesn’t helps: create and upload a example project (File–>archive project), so we can investigate directly with the project files.

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Thanks @mf_ibfeew !
The symbol was from UltraLibrarian and most their symbols have issues, but this one passed on the previous production. I also cannot understand why, but this solved it. Very simple fix, so thank you!


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