Polygon in PCB-Editor

I’m new to KiCad but I already succeeded in creating my first Symbol, Footprint and Schematic. Now I need to draw a polygon in edge.cut layer. It’s no problem to draw rectangles or circles but in polygon mode I can only draw horizontal, vertical or in 45 deg angle. But I need a line to a certain point, where angle is not 45 deg. How can I do this? I expected to get a list of x-y-values for each polygon point, just to make a fine-tuning. But I don’t find.
I’m working with KiCad nightly builds on MacOS Monterey.

Press the right mouse button and then toggle “Constrain to H, V, 45” from the popup menu.


Thanks!!! Is there a chance of “inactivating” grid?

Most likely will depend on you system. I press the Option key to stop snapping while placing items…

Or import a DXF from another CAD program.

Thanks a lot!!!
Import dxf is best solution. And with my system the stops snapping!

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