Plugin Via stitching generator on KiCad 9 has bugs

Hello everyone. Be careful with the Action Scripts plugin (Via Stitching Generator).
If this plugin is installed manually, then It does not work properly in KiCad version 9.
The plugin ignores contact pads of other networks and places vias on them, which leads to critical errors!!

I have added a test project where this issue can be reproduced. (981.2 KB)

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Have you reported this back to the Author ?

FYI: Feel free to up-vote this feature request for native via stitching support.

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yes, Release for Kicad 9 · Issue #81 · jsreynaud/kicad-action-scripts · GitHub

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kuwoyuki/kicad-action-scripts: Some KiCad plugins in Python
You can to use the branch of it,fixed.
But there’s a new bug where custom shaped pads are still placed vias.

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FYI: Feel free to up-vote this feature request for native via stitching support.

The issue with Via Stitching was raised 7 years ago, and it’s still not fixed… Oh my God! :astonished:

It’s low priority . . . there are many, many other instances like this and there always will be.

That’s unfortunately the case, indeed. However, it’s the 3rd most requested feature by upvotes. So apparently there is some demand for it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed it’ll make it into v10.

It’s a shame that with each new version, the API changes and breaks the functionality of plugins. KiCad is valuable precisely because it has a community that develops plugins. I don’t think plugin authors will have the motivation to deal with a new API every year. So, after a few iterations, we might lose plugins that significantly improve the workflow. And since the developers don’t seem too concerned about this, many of KiCad’s advantages over similar software could potentially be lost.

You don’t know what you are talking about and you clearly haven’t followed KiCad development. A whole new API is under work, the old unreliable and constantly changing is deprecated. The new API is already recommended for v9. When the plugin developers will move to the new API, there won’t be need to make changes to plugins for each new KiCad version.


yes, you are probably right