Plugin display of icons

If you have more than 5 plugins installed the 6th one will not show in the icon banner ribbon.

You have to uninstall the least wanted to get the e extra one display.

I think it depends on your screen resolution.

I have 8 plugin icons and have space for another 8-10 more.

My bid is 18 :upside_down_face:

@Graham1904 you don’t have to uninstall the plugins to rearrange them. you can do this under PreferencesPreferencesPCB EditorAction Plugins by selecting a plugin and moving it up or down with the Move up/down buttons below the table.

The menu ToolsExternal Plugins should list them all. Alternative way to trigger them.

You use KiCad v7? Do you mean there is empty space right to your toolbar or is it “just” due to your screen width. It’s a known issue that the overlapping icons in toolbars hides instead of a menu exposing the overlapping items.

Is that one solved? :wink:

In some applications / OS:es a small arrow or similar will appear on the right end of the row of visible icons, where you can activate a drop down menu to choose the ones that overflowed the available space.

Perhaps that would be a viable options for smaller screens?
Feature request?

This was requested multiple times already:

At least three times, it looks like…
Unfortunately nobody had the time to implement it in the last 10 months.

Please everyone go there and like the request - perhaps that will inspire some developer to take on this feature for 9.0.

When my Plugin-toolbar grew too Wide, causing need to increase the width of the PCB window, I had enough of that monky-business and created a Vertical Plugin GUI Panel…

Excuse my ignorance, but is that a plugin that creates the panel?

Yes, it’s a Plugin.

Some buttons run code in a Def (python syntax for Method/Function/Subroutine). Other buttons call external Stand-Alone App’s

They’re not difficult to make but it does require some (minimal) programming).

If you want to try it, here’s a link to my Trace-Length plugin with instructions. Be sure to click the ‘more…’ in description and read it.

If you get it working, the next step is to replace the contents in the “def Run(self)” routine with new code that has a GUI Panel/Buttons and link the buttons to code…

Attached is full code for Plugin with minimal GUI - get it running the same way you get the Trace-Length Plugin running. See Screenshot of the GUI (7.5 KB)

Then, add Buttons, Labels and def/code. Start simple. Eventually, you’ll want to either add Imports/Code for the actions to take (from other existing Plugins) or to call executable codes…

Good Luck

ADDED: If you want to have a Button that runs another Plugin/Python-code, this is all you need to run that external python code (rename to the code you want to run). Put this code line into the ‘def’ for the button… Note: It can be tricky, depending on your platform (Linux, Window, Mac). There are other ways to run external codes/apps but, this is the most reliable way. First try calling some App, such as a TextEditor - be sure to actually call the executable App. Then, try to call a python file (.py).
And, can delete the ‘shell=True’ and/or use this:"./", shell=True) change text as appropriate for your code.
And, add ‘import subprocess’ to the file…

    # YES!!! This runs external Python code"", shell=True) # This runs


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