Plot to PDF fails to plot fill for squares in schematic

Hi, I just finished laying out a schematic that has some squares (rectangles) drawn on it using the conventional Kicad drawing tools. While they look perfectly fine in Kicad, whenever I attempt to plot the schematic, they are plotted as outlines only. Everything else is perfect in the PDF document apart for those squares.

I have attempted to change plotter settings (there aren’t many to play with anyway) but have seen no difference. I am running Kicad version 7.0.9

I can reproduce this on Ubuntu 7.0.9
A coloured fill does not plot into pdf

Please file an issue

Also the same issue in Windows Testing and Nightlies as of 21st December

Done. I’ve submitted the issue here

Apologies if I have left anything out or not done something quite right with the issue submission (I don’t get to find bugs much these days in Kicad :wink:)

My thanks to @davidsrsb for taking the time to confirm my findings.


I see a fix in Master, there seems to be a freeze in 7.0.x pipeline for 7.0.10 release, so held for a possible 7.0.11
That was quick.


The fix works on latest 7.99 Windows Nightly.

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