Placing microvias in KiCad 5

I must be missing something obvious, but I can’t figure out how to place microvias.

I’ve got ‘Allow micro vias (uVias)’ enabled in the Design Rules, with minimum diameter and drill size set as per my manufacturer. However, when I go to ‘Tracks & Vias’ I can’t make a pre-defined via dimension for microvias as it’s smaller than my mimimum via diameter and drill.

I can place a normal via and then manually change its size, but this is awkward and difficult.

How can I just place a microvia? Any help would be appreciated!

Have you checked this thread? Was it of any help for you?

I did, but CTRL-V just pastes.

Did you press it while routing a track?

But V5 is very outdated, KiCad 7 will be released in the next days.

I did a short test to see if the hints from “all about Circuits” work, and they work for me.

I did:

  1. PCB Editor / File / Board Setup / Board Stackup / Physical Stackup and then set “Copper Layers” to more then 2.
  2. … Board Setup / Design Rules / Constraints set the checkbox to allow micro via’s: image
  3. Start a track somewhere, and after laying a few track segments, press [Ctrl + V], which attaches a micro via to the cursor, and then place it.

And for me it works for me as you can see in the screenshot below. It also shows two normal via’s.

I suppose you can only place mirco via’s while drawing tracks, however, once you have a micro via, you can also use [Ctrl + C] and [Ctrl + V] to copy and paste it. If you place it on a track from another net, it assumes the new net name.

In KiCad, you can also re-assign the hotkey if you wish, this is done in PCB Editor / Preferences / Preferences / Hotkeys

I tested this in KiCad V6.0.10.
KiCad V6 has many improvements over V6. There is three years of development effort in it, and after that a year of bug fixing. And as Jonathan writes below, KiCad V7 is now also just around the corner.

What are your reasons for using KiCad V5?

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Thank you paulvdh, the hotkeys assignment menu informed me that for some reason my microvia hotkey is in fact Alt+V. (??)

In any case, I can now bang down microvias with reckless aplomb.

I’m on KiCad 5 because my organization is on KiCad 5. An upgrade is long overdue but I’m at least going to wait until 7’s out before I push for the switch.

Thanks again!

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Going from 5 to 6 is quite a jump in user interface change.
From 6 to 7 will be a lot less

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