Place value in silks


In Footprint Properties I can change value’s layer to F.Silks. Value shows up next to footprint as expected.

Is there some sort of global method to make all value components appear in F.Silks (or x.Silks)? Some macro, some plugin?

Before I used F.Fab for the same purpose and it worked OK although I had to do some simple manual editing (just a couple lines) inside the Gerber F.Fab file (renaming it to F.Silks) to ‘convince’ JLCPCB it really was the original F.Silks. Nevertheless I am thinking to eventually do the same directly in F.Silks without the inconvenience of changing the layer selection FootprintProperties->Value->Layer of all components one by one.

Thank you
H. Martins

in pcbnew: edit->edit text and graphics properties

You may be able to do this from within pcbnew menus. If you reach a dead end and want to try to script this, you might consider KiCommand. It was built to make some of these types of tasks easier.

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