Pic_programmer.kicad_pcb demo will not load

I have the latest version of the software (5.1.7) and demos but some of the demo .kicad_pcb files will not open. Others do open and previous projects I’ve created are fine. Has anyone else had this issue?

FYI - No problem on my system (Mac OSX, Kicad 5.1.7)

Same here with KiCad V5.1.7 on Linux Mint.
pic programmer opens without problems.

Thanks for the replies. I probably should have mentioned that I am running on Windows 10.

It opens fine for me on Windows 10 using the latest Testing, which so far has only trivial changes from 5.1.7-1.
Try copying the project to your own KiCad working directory, You might have a permissions problem opening it under Program Files

No problems for me either (I tested “complex hirarchy” and “xilinx …” projects) on Win10 with 5.1.7 release version.

Try using the Stand-Alone PCBnew…

Locate the Demo, Open With the Stand-Alone PCBnew (located in your Kcad Application folder along with the other Kicad Stand-Alone’s and the “Kicad” (that’s the main Kicad GUI panel).

Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 8.31.33 AM

What do you mean by doesn’t open? Does it give an error?

Same error:


So for some reason it thinks your KiCad version is too old…
Possibly files from different versions of KiCad got intermixed some way.

Start by posting your full KiCad version from:
KiCad / Help / About / Copy Version Info

Did you have an older KiCad version installed previously?
Maybe it helps to do a full uninstall, and then a fresh install of KiCad V5.1.7. But I do not use windows myself, and can not help much here.
If you do a re-install, then make notes of the exact steps you make, pay attention to any messages KiCad gives, and then post it all here if it still does not work.

Could it be that you opened that file with a nighties version ? (5.99 , etc.). You could also zip the offending project and attached here.

I uninstalled KiCad and reinstalled. Problem resolved. Thanks everyone.

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