hello every one;
can you-please- help me to solve this problem;
i have a problem with pcbnew, the board file can’t be loaded!? it shows me the following error mesage:
expecting “’(’” in input/source
“C:\Users\choud\Google Drive\uc_based_dimmer\Light Dimmer Projectv3\Three_phase_Dimmer_PCB_kicad\Three_phase_Dimmer_PCB_kicad_v2.kicad_pcb” line 2, offset 1
thans in advance.
I recommend to first compress the the whole directory into a zip, and then open the PCB in a text editor, to see what line 2 looks like. It may be simple to fix this way, even though that does not fix the origin of your problem. (I’m seeing more posts with corrupted files lately…)