New to the way design rules are handled in KiCAD so finding it a bit unintuitive.
From what I gathered one has to give all nets proper names which imply the intended net class, then filter and apply net classes accordingly?
Currently having an opto-isolated section which can be identified easily in Pcbnew and all nets can be selected, but selecting net by net in the design rules editor seems cumbersome.
Here you create net classes, then select nets from the Net list, then assing net class to the selected nets. Do you have a problem with that or something else? Describe what you try to do accurately, using English strings from the actual user interface. Your question is a bit vague.
To rephrase my question: What about a way to select those nets in the design rules > net classes dialogue which are selected in the layout - effectively making the layout editor itself a graphical tool to select the nets?
This could be done either on startup of design rules dialogue, by adding a button to the Filter Nets combo or as a “list selected” net class filter item.
ps. it would also be delightful to have the nets highlighted in the layout that are selected for their netclass to be re-assigned.