PCBNew importing SVG: NOT in scale 1:1

Edited: I tried on the old one as well. initially wrong measures. Now almost correct. A lot of decimals, not the exact one but close enough for my purposes. If you need the exactness, well, I can’t do much

SVG is a bit suspect as far as manufacturing files go. Ever since the SVG working group defined that the builtin DPI of SVGis 96 DPI you have gotten a problem since not all authoring devices use this setting and adobe has flat out refused to change their tools to do anything other than 72 DPI. SO as a result you now have several different sizes around.

This is made worse by the fact that hardly any SVG editor allows you to work in physical units, but instead convert everything for pixels. This makes it hard to use SVG in manufacturing use cases.


Just in case;
Saving” as .svg in Adobe Illustrator resulted in a size shift on import.
Looks like the save as svg defaults to px as a measurement unit, no matter what settings i had in Ai.
However “exporting” as svg seams to fix this issue the svg header confirms that units are preserved!

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I wanted just to thank the programmers because several issues about the importing of SVG are solved on 6.0.4

it will be nice if there could be a possibility to have handles to resize the imported ones.

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I also had this issue, the ‘solution’ for now it to scale the graphics from illustrator with 1.333333. This is far from ideal. Perhaps having people choose their DPI in the KiCAD dialog could make more sense.

Illustrator has by default 72 DPI and KiCAD seems to assume 96 DPI, I needed SVG specifically since DXF didn’t fill the areas (it would just draw the outlines). 96/72=1.333333…


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