PCBNew: imported SVG as graphic, nor recognized items?

In attachment an SVG I tried to import with PCBNew

File > Import > Graphics and I select the Vector file.

But when I click on OK, it returns: “No graphic items found in the file”.

EDIT: I attached the SVG but I don’t see it. Please let me know if you are able to download it.
EDIT 2: I tried to attached the ZIP with the SVG.I see you can download it
Logo.zip (3.6 KB)

Look inside – it has an embedded png bitmap image, no scalable graphics.

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oops very strange since I exported it as SVG and the project is Vectorial. I will check it now

Yes indeed. Now PCB New imports it but the filled in zones are resulting hollow.

EDIT: no it’s ok. Just imported on the wrong layer. Sorry.

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