PcbNew Design View

This is a real newbe question (because I’m a newbe :slightly_smiling_face:). I am working on a very simple layout, so I’m using PcbNew directly, and not from a schematic. Would I be correct in assuming that my view of the board is always from the front (or top)? Therefore, any routes I trace out for the back-side should be the reverse of what I would see if actually viewing from the back of the board. In other words the traces I draw for the back layer, should be as if I’m looking thru the board from the front.

Which is only 4 characters.


At the bottom of the list in “View” is a Flip to see from the back.
There is also Layers on the right, mentioned elsewhere, to hide other layers.

The terminology usually used, to avoid confusion on this forum is:
For PCB: tracks, layers, footprints, top/front & back/bottom
For Schematic: wires & symbols.

I padded it out :grin:
I suppose I could have just written: Absolutely correct.

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Thanks for all the confirmations. I wouldn’t have even asked the question when I started using KiCAD’s PcbNew two days ago. But, as I got closer to having it fabricated, second thoughts started to crop-up; am I viewing this correctly? So I asked; better safe then sorry :wink:

Huh ???
If you: PCB Editor / View / Flip Board View, then you see the mirror image of all layers, which effectively shows the PCB as seen from the bottom. This was already mendioned, but this does mean you do not always see the PCB from the top. Also: the “active” layer is always drawn “on top” of other layers in the PCB editor and the drawing order of the layers changes all the time, so it is not related to the physical end product.

In: PCB Editor / Preferences / Preferences / PCB Editor / Editing Options / Editing Options you can also choose whether the PCB is flipped Left / Right, or Top / Bottom.

And KiCad also has: PCB Editor / View / 3D Viewer. In the 3D viewer you can turn the PCB around and look at it from all sides.

If you want to be a “Herbert” about it read “normally” for “always”.

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