PCBNew Coordinate Search?

Hello! I was wondering if anyone knew of a coordinate search function in PCBnew that would allow you to place components/board edges/silkcreens in exact locations faster. Right now the grid and arrow keys method is effective, but not very fast.

In an old version of PAD’s I use at work, this is a very useful tool, just type s1000 500 to send your cursor to (1000,500) coordinate.

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Here is one way. Select the component, edit the component parameters. This usually means hover over component, right click, select component, edit parameters. The edit parameters window lets you enter x and y coordinates. While you are there you may also want to lock the components position.

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And one more for the bold. Close the pcb editor. Open the .pcb file in a text editor such as notepad++. Search for the part reference. Above the text for the part reference a few lines is the module name. The line starting “(at” contains the part location. In my pwb it is metric absolute (not relative). To be complete add three spaces followed by “locked” after the module name to lock the location. Good luck

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