PCB With Tracks and Pads Using FreeCAD and StepUp Workbench

I’ve become a fan of StepUp usage so, made this quick video showing Opening a PCB and getting the Tracks/Pads and Coloring them… (done in FreeCAD with StepUp Workbench)

After that, you can Export STEP’s etc as needed for your Project…


It woke me up - this video!
Do not need silkscreen etc… the main goal is to combine several stp objects to give a real look at the whole system assembly. If the conversion from stp file is 1:1, we can look into interference, missing mechanical artifacts…etc
Thnx much for posting this video.

Hello BlackCoffee:
Trying to figure out the steps in the video.
In my installation, there is no pull-down menu with the top being “Part Design”.
Then you select the 5th item.
How do you get to this screen?
thnx for the help.

I tweaked my FreeCAD GUI - Thus, 1st, 5th item are as I wanted them (including setting default Workbenches)…

This is all about learning FreeCAD so, I suggest some self-education (clicking buttons, reading Posts at FreeCAD Forum, FreeCAD’s Wiki and YouTube tutorials…)

Here’s FreeCAD’s Pref Panel (NOTE: Tree-Items appear in Pref’s After desired Workbench is selected). You can enable Workbenches as shown below…

Then (after Re-Starting FreeCAD) they will appear in Pull-Down

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