PCB rendered off center in 3D viewer

I have a small PCB that the 3D viewer renders about 100 cm to the right and 75 cm down from from the center of the rendering

and I have been unable to figure out why. I thought that maybe a bit of silkscreen or something accidentally got moved far up and to the left of the board on the PCB layout, but zooming out in the PCB editor and selecting the apparently empty space yields nothing. Any suggestions on how to track this down? I’m using v8.0.2 on Windows 11.

There is some other object included in your project.
In PCBNew, zoom WAY out, then select a large area (sweep R to L) where you suspect there is debris. Hopefully this will find something. Then Delete the area.

The other possible issue is that there is no debris, but your PCB is sitting way off from 0,0. In PCBNew, place a ORIGIN close to the bottom left of the PCB and Save. Try Gerbview again.

I already tried finding something in the empty space, but the 2nd suggestion worked. The PCB editor showed the board origin in the right place, but I tried selecting it again in case the program has gotten some incorrect state, and that fixed it.

I reopening this because it happened again in the same project. I edited a trace and a zone, created gerbers, and now it is offset in the 3D render again. Re-selecting the board origin did not work.

I suspect one of the Footprints you’re using has a misplaced line/item’s Pixel or the Footprint is placed in Offset position.

Without posting a File, it’s difficult to assess the cause.

Also, in the 3D-Viewer, click the Icon for ‘Zoom to Fit’ , that should place the PCB in center of View. Then, look at the bottom-right of Viewer and see if Coordinates are shown (see screenshot).

If it’s at Center, no dx/dy positions will be shown. If positions are shown, that will help confirm you have one of the Footprints offset and will need to Fix it… (note, it may show nothing if centered or it may show as shown below…

Screen Shot 2024-05-08 at 10.01.58