It is very difficult to pick up PCB outline. I did zoomed PCB in and out util outline became selected. Is there any special way to select/highlight PCB outline? Thanks in advance
The outlines are individual graphic items (usually straight lines and arcs). If you want to select all of them at once, go to high contrast mode when the Edge.Cuts layer is active and draw a selection box around the outlines.
If you need to select only one item (line), draw a selection box to left on a part of that item. Move the cursor next to the item, to the right side of it, press and keep the mouse button down and drag left up or down.
SOLVED on W10. Thank you so much!
- Activate Edge cut Layer.
- Select High Contrast mode under View.
- Round up all outlines with box.
- L. mouse click and hold>Drag the hole outline.
For individual line. - Round up individual line only with box.
- Click line>Hold and move hole line, or click and hold a small box at the end of line to extend/move end of line.
Some alternatives:
Right click in the “Layers Manager” which is on the right in Pcbnew, the area with all the colored layer boxes and names, and then select “Hide all Layers”, and after that only enable the checkbox for the “Edge.Cuts” layer, like so:
You can also simply zoom in over a line on the Edge.Cuts layer until it becomes multiple pixels wide and then hover over it with the mouse and press e for Edit. This lets you put in direct numbers for coordinates (Whether metric, or that or mills).
When you select by dragging a box: When dragging to the right only fully enclosed stuff is selected, while when dragging to the left, anything that crosses the boundary box is also selected.
Complex selections can be made by holding the shift button while making selections. Clicking on an item while shift is held toggles it into and out of the selection.
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