PCB or schematic preview


I was wondering if there is some kind of preview extension that could be added to windows or mac or linux, that allows to preview a file in the folder. For example if I have a pictures folder, there are thumbnnails showing automatically. The same features for PCBs and schematics would be very helpful.

Thanks for any hint.


Usually this is done by the OS, creating thumbnails as required for common graphics formats like JPG, PNG, GIF, and PDF. For it to do the same for other formats it would have to be recognise Kicad file extensions and call a helper to generate a thumbnail. I don’t know whether file managers can be customised for this and how.

Since thumbnails are only for quick recognition, why not print the schematic in PDF as a matter of habit, and save a 3D view of the PCB as a matter of habit, and then you have your previews when you enter that directory?


The ‘registered file type handler’ for a given file type can also provide thumbnails when the OS’ file manager requests them.

Thanks for your replies!

The PDF solution seems to be the easiest one for me.

The ‘registered file type handler’ for a given file type can also provide thumbnails when the OS’ file manager requests them.

Ok, that’s good, but what does it mean concretely? Is there a quick way to register a file type? If yes, how do I do that?


You’ll need to address the person who wrote that. Edit your post and add @kpfleming so he’ll see it.

It would be better to have a JPEG or PNG thumbnail in the project directory. Opening KiCad to generate a thumbnail on the fly would be far too slow

Although not showing the Kicad schematic or board files, Cuprum (https://www.wortum.com/cuprum/), a macOs Gerber viewer, comes with a quicklook plugin so you do get a preview of your Gerber files. Obviously not sufficient to identify a minor change but enough to identify your project. There is a free (and a paid for) version.


I don’t believe this is something you as an end-user of KiCAD would be able to do; the KiCAD developers (and of course you can be one of those if you wish, since it’s an open source project) would need to implement file preview support in KiCAD itself and then the installer for each operating system would need to register the proper handler.

If using Windows, use app “Snip & Sketch” select KiCad drawing, or part of, and save as jpg, png, or gif.

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