(PCB) Is there a way to lock a component's location but still allow connections to its terminals?

Pretty much as the title says.

For the KiCad folks. As an engineer I grew up starting with tape on clear sheets to the “big boy” workstation software. Today Kicad just blows me away. I guess knowing the “growing pains” for those of us designing PCB’s makes KiCad more awesome. Had I had KiCad when designing devices with stringent EMC requirements, I could have made much better designs. Working with a PCB designer operating the software is not as efficient of these types of designs as doing it yourself.


Certainly is :grinning:

Right click on the footprint. Select “Lock”.

If you wish to lock several footprints, hold Ctrl key down, Left click the required footprints, Right click one of these and then “Lock”.

Also, make sure you have the “Locked items” box in the selection filter (bottom RH corner of screen) ticked or you may have trouble unlocking.

…or even hover on footprint an press ‘L’, no need to select.
One click saved! :slight_smile:

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I have never heard about locking footprint that will not allow to route tracks to its pads. Is there such locking available? If yes than - what for?

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Thanks for the responses. It didn’t seem to work last night. Perhaps it was late and an indication I should quit for the night :slight_smile:

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