PCB Import Pictures, and Change Attributes Problem


I’m sorry to bother you again.

I think I didn’t describe my question clearly.

so this time I put pictures here as below.

here are what I want to ask:

  1. how can I use kicad to change the size of the holes I marked in this picture in my pcbNew at the same time, not one by one? (These holes have same properties already)

  2. then how can I change the properties of all the same components in schematics at the same time, not one by one. for example, I got 4 pcs 10k resistors, I want to change them all as 20K, how can I do it just by one time, not four times.

  3. How can I import external picture into my PCB like I import picure into my .sch as picture below

  4. Can I draw 45 degree track in kicad schematics

Thanks, Looking forward your reply.

There’s no way to do that without scripting. In the future v6 will have the “object inspector” or “property editor” which may be capable of it.

Tools -> Edit Symbol Fields

Pcbnew can’t import images. It can import DXF vector graphics.

Yes. Preferences -> General Options -> Display -> uncheck Restrict buses and wires…

It looks like your holes are created as circles on the edge cuts layer. In general this is not a good idea as this will mean the manufacturer will route them instead of drilling them (higher tolerances)

It might therefore be better to replace them with plated or non plated through holes (depending on application) -> This means either creating a footprint for this or using vias.

It might even pay off to have a footprint for a larger combination of features as you have them multiple times on the board. (example the 3x3 array or even the 3x3 array plus the 3 larger ones plus the outline on silk. And the same for the 2x2 array versions.)

Thank you very much! Your replies are very helpful

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