PCB edge with connector

Hi to all,

I would create a PCB with connector like PCI Express.
I use a PCI Express layout and in the eeschema it appear correctly. But, if I tryu to view in 3d, the layout of my PCB are wrong; missing the board around the PCI connector.

Why? What am I wrong?

Could you post screenshot on what do you get?

This is what I see in PCB editor:

And this is wath I see in 3D view:

There are not PCB around PCI slot, it is normal?

There’s some misalignment around that circular slot to my eye. Don’t you get an error message that your courtyard isn’t a closed outline?
Run DRC and check if you got DRC violation.
In case outline do not match, 3dviewer simplifies the board outline so you may end up with something you show.

You are right, I obtain a DRC error when I draw my PCB edge and link it with the edge of PCI connector.

But…how can I make the two lines coincide?
(Sorry, it is something that I’ve never done)

Click on the segment you want to change, two anchors should appear on two ends of the segment. Just drag and drop them to the point you’ll get small crosshair with a circle meaning these two points overlap.
Other way is to select segment, press “e” key to edit properties and enter coordinates by hand.

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It now Work, Thanks! :slight_smile:


I have another question: when I will build the PCB, do I have to specify something for that connector?

You will probably want to communicate with the board maker to make sure they understand your intentions.

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… and remember to request gold plating finish.

Edge connectors were often given a thicker plating than a standard board gold finish.

You would probably specify to your PCB maker that the edge of your PCB should be chamfered.

Good luck, Roberto

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