PCB Design Using Existing Board

is there a board manufacturer that provides settings for Kicad that you can just download and install?

If you mean you want to just upload the pcb file then try oshpark.com

Wow they are cheaper than JCLPCB and free shipping 5day USPS .

Also we don;t have to upload gerber files, just your .kicad_pcb file,

Alternatively, several manufacturers have plugins for KiCad, but you have to install those first from the “Plugin and Content Manager”. The plugin for Aisler for example directly uploads your PCB without the intermediate step of creating gerbers.

But you will always be responsible for the design rules you apply. One gotcha is the resolution of features such as track width and clearance. If you make these features to small, your PCB manufacturer may still be able to manufacture your PCB, but it will probably be with a different process and/or higher cost.

And the PCB manufacturer does not know your intentions, so this will always have to be an area where you have to apply some brain power.

I believe he’s asking if there is a way to download a vendor’s capabilities as a file and load them into KiCad’s board setup and DRC rules.

Several vendors supply “.drc” files that Eagle can load directly. This saves a LOT of headache trying to parse a vendor’s capabilities and translate them into the Eagle’s board configuration. Unfortunately, KiCad currently lacks such a feature.


@eelik This allows you to import settings from an existing KiCad board. It’s not quite the same as importing a set of vendor capabilities.