PCB 3D automation

Could we have some automation in PCB 3D? for ex rotating some angle, save rendered image. so we can make product demo animations much easier.
Thanks! :smiley:

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You may want to consider FreeCAD (for many reasons) and you can use its Kicad StepUp workbench to load PCB/Parts and Traces/Pads. Then, simply click the FreeCAD Turn Table feature (video screen capture shows result…)

EDIT: Also, in Kicad’s 3D Viewer, you can click the Icons at top of viewer to Rotate (keep clicking to rotate - and you can set the Angle in pref’s. Screen capture a Video of it… Second video. I included showing the Clicks but, could have Not shown them… (and, you can set a Hot-Key to hold down instead of clicking…)

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Not that I know. IMHO a good way cold be expose this controls though the Python API pcbnew, the user/developer could interact with the image/canvas as desired.

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I saw KiAuto and KiBot doing this by sending key press using xdotool.
saving tons of time and human interaction. also reduce risk of human error.

Please use the kicad to blender rendering method, the pcb2blender plugin is easy to use!
Take a look at the results of my rendering:

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