PCAD File import. Or any import?

Hi, I’m a total KiCad NOOB, so forgive me if I’m asking an unreasonable question.

I’ve read in several places that it is possible to import PCAD 2K files. I exported a Protel 99 board and schematic, and from what I’d read I thought I just had to select File|Open and change the file type to PCAD 2K.

Well, the problem is that I cannot find a File|Open or File|Import in the menu. Only a greyed out File|Append and the usual Save and Save as options.

I just installed KiCad, and it is V4.07. I’m running it on Debian Linux.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

In Kicad 4 the option to Open non native kicad board file is available only if pcbnew is launched alone and not when launched from the suite kicad.

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Thanks! Good to know. So now I’m onto my next error. :slight_smile:

Error loading board.
IO_ERROR: Unknown file type
from s_expr_loader.cpp : LoadInputFile() : line 56

What is on line 56?

Doh! Sorry, still half awake. Line 56 is where the assert was raised in the source code :slight_smile: Code says

    if( !fgets( line, sizeof( line ), fp )
        // first line starts with "ACCEL_ASCII" with optional stuff on same line after that.
        || memcmp( line, ACCEL_ASCII_KEYWORD, sizeof(ACCEL_ASCII_KEYWORD)-1 ) )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( "Unknown file type" );

So basically the file does not start with “ACCEL_ASCII …”. The file might not be ASCII format, or is not expected format. I think to investigate further I would need to see the file.

If you can try the latest nightly build, the PCAD import might work. I do not recommend nightly builds for “production” use.
Also, the PCAD importer was originally part of https://sourceforge.net/projects/pcad2kicad/, I don’t know if that is still maintained, possibly it can be run standalone.

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just check your exported file is in PCAD2K ASCII format.
If the error still appear, that means your export cannot be read/imported correctly for a bug or an earlier format.

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Looks like the end of a pad definition for a .118 non plated hole. It is
very similar to the .140 npt above it.