Path substitution

On cvpsb there are the library management (edit library table, under preferences) and the path substitution for some global variables (?).
KISYSMOD and KISYS3DMOD are pointing to nonexistent paths (I’m using windows 7) and I’m not capable to find how to change their values.

Someone can help me?

Thanks, Fabrizio

OK, I’ve found.
In windows we need to set environment variable.

If someone is looking for, this can be done from control panel, system, advanced system setting, environment variables.

Sorry but this is very poor documented.


Yes; we need a Windows user to add that to the documentation. Unfortunately we must suffer with those environment variables for now. When the 3D model code is cleaned up (after the upcoming release) then KISYS3DMOD will disappear and when eeschema is modified/rewritten KISYSMOD will also disappear.

For now I’ll ask the devs what they think of putting these settings into the ‘pcbnew’ configuration file instead.