Part skipped in loading with StepUP

Anyone had StepUp miss parts before? I have a grove connector, which has a step file in the KIPRJMOD, but it’s not loaded when i do ‘Load kicad Board *.kicad_pcb’. Another part that also has a step file in the KIPRJMOD loads just fine. The grove part looks fine in freecad and in the 3d viewer of KiCad. I have no idea why it’s not loading it, it’s not evening mentioning any errors in the freecad console, it’s just not there.

This is what I get from the FreeCad console:

kicad StepUp version
tolerance on vertex applied
ksu file 'ksu-config.ini' exists
materials section present
turntable section present
compound section present
docking section present
font section present
prefix3D_2 found KIPRJMOD
3D models prefix=/Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/
3D models prefix2=KIPRJMOD/
pcb color=0.0,0.298,1.0,lightblue (0,76,255)
blacklist modules 
volume 0 heigh 0
bounding box option 0 whitelist 
placement board @ useBaseOrigin #place board @ 0,0,0
idf_to_origin True
last fp path /Users/jorishoogeboom/Downloads/Socket_Strips.pretty-master
last brd path /Users/jorishoogeboom/Work/scape/scape/minibuqs/electronics/kicad
virtual models noVirtual
export fusing option nofuse  #default
minimum drill size 0.0mm
export to STEP True
enable materials True
turntable True
compound allowed True
docking mode float
fonts size 8
ksu file 'ksu-config.ini' exists
materials section present
turntable section present
compound section present
docking section present
font section present
prefix3D_2 found KIPRJMOD
3D models prefix=/Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/
3D models prefix2=KIPRJMOD/
pcb color=0.0,0.298,1.0,lightblue (0,76,255)
blacklist modules 
volume 0 heigh 0
bounding box option 0 whitelist 
placement board @ useBaseOrigin #place board @ 0,0,0
idf_to_origin True
last fp path /Users/jorishoogeboom/Downloads/Socket_Strips.pretty-master
last brd path /Users/jorishoogeboom/Work/scape/scape/minibuqs/electronics/kicad
virtual models noVirtual
export fusing option nofuse  #default
minimum drill size 0.0mm
export to STEP True
enable materials True
turntable True
compound allowed True
docking mode float
fonts size 8
opening /Users/jorishoogeboom/Work/scape/scape/minibuqs/electronics/kicad/motor.kicad_pcb
my file path /Users/jorishoogeboom/Work/scape/scape/minibuqs/electronics/kicad
FC Version 016
kicad_pcb version 20160815
PCBThickness1.6 mm
wrong scale!!! set scale to (1 1 1)
wrong scale!!! for Diodes_SMD.3dshapes/D_SMA_Handsoldering.wrl Set scale to (1 1 1)
PCB Loader 
2d closed path
max Length=22.1647844006 index=0
running time: 0sec
start cutting
running time: 0sec
running time: 1sec
model name D_SMA_Handsoldering
error missing /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Diodes_SMD.3dshapes/D_SMA_Handsoldering.step
adjusting Relative Path
step-module-replaced /Users/jorishoogeboom/Work/scape/scape/minibuqs/electronics/kicad/SOT-23.wrl
model name SOT-23
opening /Users/jorishoogeboom/Work/scape/scape/minibuqs/electronics/kicad/SOT-23.step
module /Users/jorishoogeboom/Work/scape/scape/minibuqs/electronics/kicad/SOT-23.step
model name C_0603
opening /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603.step
module Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603.step
model name C_0603
opening /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603.step
module Capacitors_SMD.3dshapes/C_0603.step
model name R_0603
opening /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603.step
module Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603.step
model name R_0603
opening /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603.step
module Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603.step
model name R_0603
opening /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603.step
module Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0603.step
running time: 3sec
missing models
/Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Diodes_SMD.3dshapes/D_SMA_Handsoldering.step
 error: reset values of scale to (xyz 1 1 1)
exporting to MCAD
Board Placed @ 0.0;0.0;0.0
kicad pcb pos: (0.000;-2.000;0.00)
running time: 5sec

I’ve attached the board pcb here
motor.kicad_pcb (30.4 KB)


I found that your model


has the “Virtual” attribute…
is your virtual checkbox checked in StepUp? If not the part will be skipped :slight_smile:

Moreover, I see from your log that you miss one 3D model and its footprint has a wrong scale

  1. error missing /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Diodes_SMD.3dshapes/D_SMA_Handsoldering.step
  2. missing models
    /Library/Application Support/kicad/modules/packages3d/Diodes_SMD.3dshapes/D_SMA_Handsoldering.step
    error: reset values of scale to (xyz 1 1 1)

The best option would be to have a 3D STEP model in scale 1:1 in mm and a WRL counterpart exported with StepUp just scaled 1/2.54…

KiCad 3D MCAD repo is growing fast, but ATM we still don’t have diode in SMX models… but you can find a lot of choice for diodes at @Joan_Sparky personal repo … I’m not sure if her models are already aligned to KiCad footprints, because she is using her own footprint library, but the 3D models are just great! :smiley:

BTW very nice pcb I think :smiley:

I like to see what has been converted with my tools :wink:

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Oh wow maui thank you so much! I would have never have found this, what do you normally use virtual models for? Will check out Joan’s library, can probably find this diode somewhere. Thanks for the compliment too, it’s a very simple PCB though.

in KiCad they are normally used for edge connectors or test point… but I use the Virtual attribute to add mechanical parts that I can switch off in 3d viewer (i.e. enclosure or mechanical spacers)
In 3D viewer (dev release) pressing “V” you can toggle those parts…

EDIT I 'm going to add a warning message in StepUp in case virtual parts are skipped … thx for feedback :smiley:

in MCAD terms your PCB has a nice edge which is much difficult to create in FC than a bigger but regular squared board :slight_smile: I’m glad to see it is working fine in StepUp :smiley:

You should also have a look at the freecad scripts if you haven’t :slight_smile:

The diode models needs to be rotated by - 90 degrees if I remember correctly :slight_smile:

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Thank you! good to know.[quote=“Shack, post:5, topic:5744”]
You should also have a look at the freecad scripts if you haven’t :slight_smile:

Yes I saw this, it’s pretty good, but maybe it’s good to have a repository with just the outputs of those scripts? I tried running the shell scripts, it takes a while… Or is that in the MCAD library maui is talking about?

Joan’s library is really good! I noticed the KiCad/kicad-library/modules/packages3d/ also contains some STEP models and even FC ones. What I don’t understand is some seem to have FC models but no STEP files, might write a script to generate STEPS for all the FC models out there.

The output are slowly being added in the official kicad libraries as we go :slight_smile: (Maurice like to pun it with STEP by step) but for making missing components it’s quite convenient :slight_smile: in case you add some models in the scripts which fits with a kicad footprint you should make a PR :slight_smile:

yes, most of the 3D generated models are already in the KiCad official 3D packages repo …
Many 3d parts have been produced, but we would need some help in filling the parametric data for SSOP and QFN models (only some of these families are already filled and generated) …

this is an other slow changing panorama… @jkriege2 is adding the STEP and WRL models coming from FC files starting from a first model and then adding the others through some scripts

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