"Parent footprint on board is flipped" warning

I’ve run into an issue with KiCad 8.0.7/Windows 10 I haven’t seen before. If I have a footprint on the backside and show properties for a pad it will say “Parent footprint on board is flipped. Layers will be reversed”:

Any ideas what’s going on?

The red sign looks more dramatic than necessary. It’s just a reminder that when you open a footprint from a board where the footprint has been flipped from front to back side the layers are in different order than when the footprint is in the library.

Thanks eelik. I don’t recall seeing this before (I’ve used KiCad since 5.x).
If it’s just a reminder then it could have been orange or blue instead of big red warning sign :slightly_smiling_face:

Would it make more sense if it says that footprint has been moved to different side than what it has in the library? Now it says “parent footprint on board” Also, if I don’t want the Mask for pin 1 on the back, should I untick Front.Mask then? Why do I as a user need to handle the things opposite? :astonished:

Perhaps it’s just me that still don’t understand this.

– john

Take for example a simple SMD footprint from the KiCad libraries, like 0803 resistor. If it’s opened in the footprint editor from the library, it’s in the front layers. When it’s put in the board it’s in the front layers by default. When it’s flipped, it’s in the back layers. When a pad of that footprint pad is opened from the board and it’s in the back layer, the pad is of course in the back layer, but the pad properties dialog show the pad being in the original position, in the front layers.

So, there would be two possibilites: as it is now, showing always the original layers as the footprint has been designed and warn about the different layers in the current position in the board. Or show the layers as they are now in the board and warn about the original layers being different.

Maybe because you just haven’t had a flipped footprint from which you would have opened a pad’s properties dialog? I wouldn’t be surprised if someone never does this. Some people don’t even open pad properties from a board at all, and often footprints are positioned only to front layer as much as possible.