Pack and Move Footprints to cursor

I’m looking for help to find the preference setting that puts the Pack and Move bundle at the cursor rather than the default top left component - if that facility exists?

Currently I select the components in the schematic>right click>Select on PCB. Move over to PCB to where I want to place them (I tend to work at a close in zoom level [focus follows mouse]) >press P. In the early stages of layout these components tend to be spread around perimeter and the pack seems to be using the coordinates of the component that’s at the top left but ordered by annotation sequence (not the order selected in the schematic). Currently therefore I have to zoom out to a scale where the ratsnest shows they’re located and move the bundle to where I want using mouse movements that are relative to the bundle - which may be the other side of the board. Once dropped I can then move the cursor back to my approximate position and then zoom in again to where I was. I’d prefer it if the pack was brought to the cursor position and at my current zoom level.

Is this possible?

The Shift-O or Ctrl-M has the same problem for the first component but then the subsequent components do get put at the cursor - which leads me to believe that I am indeed missing a setting somewhere.

For such questions (regarding the detailed kicad behaviour) it’s important to also give information about the used kicad version and used OS. Different GUI-behaviour sometimes points to a OS-depending bug

On my system (kicad v8, on Win10) the “Pack and move” command works already in the way you want it: After hitting “P”-hotkey all selected footprints are moved to the current cursor position. (albeit the mouse must be moved some millimeters before the footprints are really displayed at the cursor poition).
I’m not aware that I have set some special preference flag for this behaviour.

I have attached screenshots from my global preferences - maybe you identify differences.

After looking at the settings I could imagine that both “common–>Editing” checkboxes (fist picture, top right edge) could influence the hotkey-command behaviour.

Thx @mf_ibfeew , apologies for not attaching my system. Yes, V8.0.5. Win11

Hmm. I don’t seem to get the same result as you. I’ve attached video of my problem using a nonsense (electronically) schem/pcb interaction. My settings are the same as yours.

I was expecting I could have the packed components attach to the mouse position and not somewhere external to my viewport zoom level.

Common>[Checkbox ticked] Warp mouse to origin of moved object did the trick. Thank you - exactly as you surmised.

I have no KiCad here but as I remember after selecting block at schematic I didn’t do as you write with right click but just move the cursor to PCB and use P hotkey.

Thx Piotr, yes, that’s indeed what I do - but I haven’t found a way to show keystrokes in my video snippets so I went long hand for clarity.