OSHPark Tiny Top Layer?

When I upload either gerbers or my .kicad_pcb file to OSHPark for the most part everything looks fine, except for when I get to the preview of just the top layer. The top layer has been scaled down and pushed into a corner.

Any ideas of how to fix this?

Here’s a image of what OSHPark displays as my top layer and my bottom layer.

In PcbNew, depress the “Home” button. Does that view now look like the OSH Park view?

My first guess is that you have a “single dot” of copper somewhere.

Save your work, then try using “clean up tracks and vias” tool.


Thanks! There was a single random pad on one of the lines of the title block/border. Fixed it up and ordered my board!


And, thanks, for sharing your fix! :+1:

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