OS X homebrew KiCad tap! With library!

Done some more research and I think this issue falls squarely in my lap. I was so excited I just rushed in without thinking or checking dependencies properly.

According to this thread the issue is likely that I didn’t install the new command line tools for XCode during the last upgrade. I can’t try it right now as my laptop is at home and I’m at work, but it does sound like the problem I’m seeing.

Sorry for not doing the appropriate research before posting. And many, many, thanks for getting the KiCad build working in Homebrew, It is greatly appreciated.

I’ve been trying to install several times now. Running “brew install -v kicad --HEAD” always stops with “Error: wxkicad did not build”, but no actual error report. So I checked, and the file /Library/Caches/Homebrew/wxkicad- doesn’t actually seem to contain KiCad at all; unpacking it just leaves a directory called wxPython-src- Is that right?

brew seems to unpack that and build it successfully, but it’s not KiCad so maybe something went wrong packing the brew?

Confirmed. It was my fault. Installing the latest command line tools for XCode resolved the build issue. Sorry for wasting bandwidth. And again thanks for all your work.

I bit the bullet and upgraded to Yosemite (for other reasons), but this hasn’t seemed to resolve my Kicad issues. I updated and upgraded homebrew, and then ran:

brew install kicad --HEAD

Below seems to be the error before it failed:

1 warning generated.
[ 65%] Building CXX object eeschema/CMakeFiles/eeschema_kiface.dir/__/common/base_units.cpp.o
1 warning generated.
Linking CXX shared module ../kicad/kicad.app/Contents/PlugIns/_eeschema.kiface
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-XLinker,-cref'
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-XLinker,-Map=_eeschema.kiface.map'
[ 66%] Built target eeschema_kiface
make: *** [all] Error 2

I’d upload the entire 02.make log file, but it seems like I’m not allowed to yet on the forum…

I’ve got, what looks like, exactly the same problem, also on Yosemite. I wish I knew how to solve this as I really want to start using kicad (instead of eagle). At the moment I’ve no idea even where to start looking. Can anyone give any clues as to what might be causing this error?

For a simple download look here - http://downloads.kicad.org/osx/ (or here for more info: http://www.kicad.org/display/KICAD/Installing+KiCad#InstallingKiCad-MacOSX)
KiCAD has now official nightly builds and metacollin is going to contribute to this.
