Origin setting give me only dx & dy

hi ,

i want to place 4 holes on my board.i set one hole and i want the oyhers hole will be at same position from x and y as the first hole.

i set the origin in the left corner down and press space bar .

now the the dx & dy are zero .

but it doesn’t help me beacause i want to place all the holes relative to the first hole relative to the origin board that i have set relative to x & y.

i can’t enter the X Y values because they are relative to the origin of the page up left corner.

is there a way to reset the x & y of the page that will match the origin of the board?


I’m struggling to find out what this means.

Anyway, you seem partly to have an XY problem here (not sorry for the pun). You first tell what you want: to position some items. Then you ask about resetting x and y. There are more ways to position items. For example, there’s the Position Relative To tool. Or you can change the grid.

If you express the situation more clearly we can help better.

how can i locate items by entring x and y relative to the board origin that i have set?

Right Mouse Click on the footprint you wish to place. Select “Positioning Tools”, then you have three different choices.
Probably “Position relative to”

To use this, click select item button, click on the item, type in some numbers, click on the origin button.

As (like you) I wanted to be able to simply write position of something relative to ‘my origin’ and it was not possible in KiCad 4.0.7 so I solved this problem by setting ‘my origin’ == ‘absolute origin’.
I replaced the frame with only small cross at absolute 0,0 location and I simply place my PCB there.
In most cases the origin is in center of my PCBs so any holes that are symmetric simply get x and -x and y and -y coordinates. I work that way since I have done my first KiCad PCB in 2017.
According to what I have read V7 introduced a way to move absolute origin where you want but I didn’t searched for it as I don’t need it.


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Yes, there is. From KiCad v6 onward you can change the displayed origin by going to Preferences → Preferences → PCB Editor → Origins and Axes to get this screen:

Here you can select your preferred display origin and the directions the axes values increase. My suggestion is to use the “Drill/Place file origin”. This is also the point from which the drill file and component placements will be referenced.

Since most of my dimensions are referenced to the lower left corner of the PCB, I also change the Y axis so it increases up.

Then use this tool in the PCB editor’s right-side tool bar to set the display origin at the lower left corner of the PCB, or whatever point your dimensions reference:

Once this is set, don’t move it!



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