OpenGL vs Legacy differences in Nightly

I am starting this thread specifically to discuss features that are missing or deficient in OpenGL (GAL) view compared with Legacy view in current Nightly builds

It seems another user new to GAL canvas also has some concerns about the UI - different to legacy behaviour. However, unlike other users, he is more in a position to get something done about it :slight_smile:


Not just that, but you can see worlds colliding there - at least the conceptual ones.

Yes, I am following that converstation as well. It is very interesting. Basically a lot of the things are changes to what people are used to, not really features missing. However @pedro has a good point. And stuff like that has to be caught, and that can only come from people using both legacy and GAL.

In this thread, I would like it if from now on we stopped discussing the removal of Legacy, but rather why we are still using legacy, with concrete examples, such as @pedro did.

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I just tried this, if you use the hotkeys, “delete” in this case, you can remove a segment without leaving the tool :slight_smile:, I did noticed a bug or inconsistency here though and will report it.

Regrading the snap to grid, is this a good or bad thing? I also noticed there is a setting that brings this behaviour back in opengl mode.

Well, in my opinion this is a bad thing since I use the space bar for measuring distances quite a lot. In this case, references out of the grid are useless.
@TotalKrill Could you tell me where to find the setting that makes the cursor snap onto the grid in OpenGL?

one reason why I use Legacy:

  1. block move in legacy has an option to select what to move (customizing what to move)

That’s one of those fine and narrow distinctions that developers like to make, so they can change the behaviour while simultaneously claiming “nothing has changed”. How you define the changes as “a feature” or “not a feature” is irrelevant to the user.

In this thread, can we discuss what is important to users, rather than what developers narrowly define as “features”?

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This is tool I use all the time in legacy.
In OpenGL works slightly different: you select only items on visible layers.

I mainly use OpenGL, but I sometimes have to toggle between views, because OpenGL rats nest seems to hide nets sometimes

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I think this is now in the filter selection in GAL view, or is there any difference?

I think at some point, we might have to support both behaviours, the ones that users are used from legacy and the new behaviours that are implemented in GAL canvas. Then in the application settings the user can fine tune the behaviour to suit his workflow.
But I think this should only be done, if both user groups are of roughly equal size.

The developers are clear that V5.0 won’t have Legacy, so it is very important to identify these stray defects

That is only true if they will cover the missing parts… I wouldn’t bet for v5 then… unless v5 will delay longer

I have just installed the last nightly. The grid in OpenGL cavas is awfully green.

Someone else with this problem?

That is wrong. Wayne postet yesterday on the mailing list:

The legacy canvas is going to be removed after the v5 release …

A more complete list of deficiencies should help make the decision to delay V5 or keep Legacy.
Some people (senior developers) have been under the impression that almost everything was ready.
Too many users have either been avoiding OpenGL on Nightly or failing to report problems - in other words undertesting

Thanks, that is better, but still we need an audit of what is missing

The general way to notice what is missing and such is to implement/remove something and then fix it after. Because most users do not care until it affects them. And most users dont run nightly either.


The color is changeable in the render side menu

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