when drawing tracks in PCBnew (OpenGL mode), a new track won’t go closer than 0.25 mm to an existing track. The Clearance parameter in the Design Rules only has a limited effect: If it’s set to a value >= 0.25 mm, it will be used (and two tracks can’t get closer to each other than this value), but if I set it to < 0.25 mm, it will be ignored and the minimum track clearance is 0.25 mm.
Is this a bug? How do I change to minimum track clearance to a value < 0.25 mm?
My version is 4.1.0-alpha+201609111014+7146~55~ubuntu15.10.1-,release build
I don’t recall encountering that problem. The last few layouts I did used 8 mil (0.2 mm) trace-to-trace spacing in the design rules, though when I actually laid down traces I tried to keep traces at least 12 mil (0.3 mm) apart.
From time to time I have noticed that sometimes when KiCAD seems to be cantankerous because of track spacing violations, it’s actually some other design rule coming into play - such as pad-to-trace. This is especially true when I am “dragging” a trace with a mitered corner attached, and the miter segment wanders into the keepout area near the corner of a pad.