OpenCASCADE error while exporting step file

KiCad 9.0.0 Windows 11

I’m trying to export my PCB with components as a step file and get the error

Could not add 3D model to U1.
OpenCASCADE error: TDocStd_XLinkTool::Copy : not self-contained

The blue daughter board and headers is shown within KiCad.

This is what I see when I upload the step file into Fusion 360.

I’m trying to design the box to take tha assembly so having the daughter board is rather important.

Any suggestions of a fix?

  1. Report this as a bug to GitLab with minimal project and this 3D models attached.
  2. How was the daughter board model generated?
  3. Open the daughter board model in a MCAD software (like FreeCad) and re-save it.

Had a look on GitLab and was confused as I couldn’t find a KiCad project.

The daughter board 3D model was designed using Fusion 360.

I followed your advice and loaded the step file into FreeCAD. Interestingly it kept the colours from the models I’d uploaded to Fusion 360 but not the bodies created in Fusion itself.

I exported from FreeCAD to another step file and then changed the footprint 3D model in KiCad to this new version. In KiCad it looked as in FreeCAD. This then exported from KiCad without errors and uploaded into Fusion ok.

So I’ve something that I can work with but there is still something not quite right with the Fusion 360 export/KiCad import… or at least the KiCad PCB 3D export. I seem to need an idoit’s guide on how to report the bug :laughing:

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Help → Report Bug


ou may have a look at this discussion:

Interesting. I initially tried that and ended up at a page asking me to sign up with GitLab. When I did so I then ended up with lots of different projects but couldn’t fing KiCad.

Following your suggestion I then fired up KiCad and tried again. This time it opened up correctly with the page to enter a bug report. So I was only slightly stupid…

Thanks for all your help.

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Thanks, I’ll have a look.

KiCad also has had troubles with the bottom layer colors from StepUp exports when it was using DIY color transfer functions.