Open Source PnP at ERRF

While I was at ERRF (East Coast Rep-Rap Festival, basically a 3D printer convention) I saw a table where someone was demonstrating a small PnP machine that he is developing and releasing as Open Source Hardware. It looks like an interesting piece of kit for medium sized production and prototyping instead of using assembly services. Here is their project website: and Thomas Sanladerer released a video today where the developer talks in length about his project. (I didn’t ask at the table what EDA package he used…)

I’m not related to this project at all, but though some people here may be interested.



Exceptional well done. :+1:

I opened every KiCad project and FreeCad design. Not a single road bump.

Designs like this should be taken as a shining prime example of what so called ‘free’ software (often unjustifiably belittled) like KiCad and/or FreeCad can do.

Yes, there are some marketing drums at the end of that video, however, in cases like this acceptable.

I’ve been on their mailing list for a while. I’m waiting for a few reports from early adopters before I consider investing in a kit. Hope it becomes popular.

He’s been tinkering on his PnP machine for quite some while, and has also been mentioned on Hackaday a few times:

I think this entry from May 2020 was the first about his PnP machine on Hackaday:

Although on his youtube channel he also has a video from January 2020 about an earlier version:

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