Old accounts and possible cleanup

I split this off from the user poll (see bottom of this first post).

About 10k registered users is very similar to what I saw some time (year(s?)) ago…
It looks quite weird though to have 3900 registered users with trust level zero if the system automatically cleans up unused accounts.

The “Daily Engaged Users” looks plausible too. If you assume that half is for questions and the other half is for regulars answering questions, that would be about 20 topics per day.

If you go to the hamburger menu and click on “users” you get access to a whole lot of user statistics.

Maybe they are cleaned out after, say, 12 months of inactivity. That could explain the figures.

I made a list of All Time and reverse order for Days Visited

Top result is for:

who joined on 2015-05-01 and has 0 posts, 0 replies and less than 1 minute of read time.
And it’s similar for other accounts I looked at from that sort. I’m guessing there are several thousand unused accounts. Is there any info left on deleted accounts? That may shed some light on the mechanism.

Those accounts are perfect targets for cleanup, even if only to send an email saying please click on this link to confirm you still want this account, otherwise we will delete it. But please feel free to come back if you still are using Kicad and have any questions!

Sure they could be cleaned up, but does this forum gain anything by doing so?

I’ve bought a few ST-Link V2 clones from Ali in the past, and just today I noticed I can buy offical ST-Links V3 directly from STM for about EUR11. I tried to order two, and then discovered that my account was deleted after 4 years of not using it. Result is that I did not buy them and will keep on using the Chines clones, which work good enough, but it’s still a bit of a disappointment.

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