Nudging router in the right direction (Kicad 5)

Is there any hotkey or some way to avoid the severely insane routing options Kicad tends to “fall into”? I did look, and I did try Change track posture but it only acts on minor path changes, while accidentally crossing over some other obstructing track will see it “fall into” possibly the longest tracing option possible and one has to go back to the originating pad OR give up (ESC and undo a bunch) to try again.

I am loving kicad, however some tracks can take a long time to lay down. Imagine if kicad router were used for driving directions :o Or imagine if Google Map type “pick your route from these fine options” (swapping track length for congestion?) were available in kicad? From a Usability perspective, that would relieve the pressure on mouse (trackpad, in my case) movement and potentially make Kicad a lot more Accessible.

Using Kicad 5, Modern Toolset (Fallback).

What version you are using? Which “toolset” or “canvas”? Did you try “Interactive Router Settings”?

Using Kicad 5, Modern Toolset (Fallback). Will the others display different routing behaviour? FYI there is a 10 year gap in my experience with PCB routing that has just ended (so no real Kicad experience before 5).

Legacy is very different, but I don’t recommend that, because it will be removed in some future version.

How about the settings dialog? It’s in Route->Interactive Router Settings. First try Shove and Highlight collisions modes.

Another tip: if you leftclick you fix the track you have laid down so far.


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