NPTH hole issue

I notice the inner layers of a NPTH mechanical hole show up on the Gerbers with copper covering the drilling area.

Is this by design , I can see it’s needed for PTH holes but I don’t see why it’s included in NPTH holes. ?


Are you sure it’s not for example the PCB itself and the bare hole you are looking at?

I’m not in the mood to:

  1. Create a KiCad project
  2. Draw a schematic with some part and a hole.
  3. Assign footprints,
  4. Verify I’ve done it correctly.
  5. Put it in the PCB Editor.
  6. Examine the results.

If you do that, and zip and upload it, then I’ll have a look at it.
If I agree there is some error, then you also have a good test case to post on gitlab.

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I’ll firstly snapshot the Gerber view of the copper layers which shows the copper , I can do a quick project later today

Sorry , must be from looking at it at 5am , there isnt any coper on the NPTH mountings holes

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