Novice Question: How to add 5V relay to schematic?

I’m extremely new to KiCAD, and to electronic design as well. I’m trying to build a schematic that includes 5V relays, but I don’t believe I’ve done it right. It may not matter, but the relay I’m attempting to use is a Panasonic JS1-5V-F. What I’ve done:

  1. Add in the relay library to KiCAD (Pref -> Comp Library -> Add -> relays.lib)
  2. Add component -> relays -> FINDER-36.11.4001 (Single Pole, Sugar Cube 10A)

Is this the correct way to do this? Maybe it’s best practice to build a new component and library, but wouldn’t this type of relay be a standard component?

If your Panasonic JS1 series has identical pinout like Finder 36.11 series you can use it. After placing on the schematic, change only the value to point to the correct relay.

There are two types of EDA users:

  1. Uses as much default libraries as possible, using other libraries only for missing components. The relay.lib is one of the default library and it should be available for a long time. Unless it is changed or absorbed by another library (such things have already happened). You never know what lib development team invent in the future.
  2. Uses its own or corporate libraries only. This way some unexpected changes or deletion are reduced to minimum. But build a good quality libraries is a long trip if you are only single person.

Most of professionals or people who want to deal with this professionally choose second solution. Most of beginners select first solution.

Which ever you choose it is never a good idea to modify the default libraries unless you make your own copy and place it in a different directly. There’s nothing worse than updating KiCad and finding half of your component symbols and footprints have disappeared.

Appreciate the input. I think what I’ll do for now is just use the default relay library component. There is another component in the schematic I’m trying to copy that from what I can tell will need a new library created and a footprint. I went through a tutorial that walked me through the process, so I think I can do it for a new device.

What’s good practice? Creating a new library for a particular project, or just a single new library in total? User preference?

Also, if I do create a new component, is the process below generally what I’m going to do?

  1. Create a new library (or add to existing library) the component will be part of.
  2. Draw the component - this is what will go in the schematic
  3. Create a new footprint for the component that goes also in a new library, associate the two

There is no one simple answer right now.
If you have plan to share your projects with the other people you should create libraries for particular project. This way these people will be able to freely open the project. In other cases, it is better to create your own libraries, which can possibly by shared with co-workers if necessary.