"Not enough space on device" on saving PCB file

I’m experiencing a strange bug. I am working on a PCB file and all of a sudden, when saving I am confronted with an error message saying (translated) “Error while saving of PCB file ‘…’ No space left on device”.

I am running Ubuntu 20.04 and I have many many GBs of space left on my device. Also the working directory is on my hard drive and symlinked or anything.

Anyone else has experienced this before?

More info: I just tried to save a copy with a different file name in the same folder, that works.

Have a good look at the stuck file pemissions

Switch the KiCad UI language to English and type the message verbatim here, or attach a screenshot.

Original reads: “Error saving board file ‘…’ Auf dem Gerät ist kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar” - well, looks like missing translation file because this is actually more German than English.

File permissions: Okay, this might be it. This file is the only file in that directory where I as a user have RW-access but the group (also me) actually has no rights at all. That is super strange. Do you think it’s save to change (chmod) while the file is open?

No, I mean the original English (hardcoded text, not a UI translation) message. Switch the UI language to English.

EDIT: or do you mean that the KiCad UI is in English already? In that case the German part comes from the OS which uses German, I guess.

Yes, switched it to English now. Still, the second half is German, I don’t know why.

Whoop, now it works again. :tipping_hand_man: I basically just kep working (without saving) and tried every couple of minutes. Now it saves again…

The problem may be in saving the backups. You can find the settings in Preferences → Common. The backups are saved in the project folder under <project name>-backups.

Can you elaborate on that? Do you mean it could be caused by pcbnew saving a backup? I mean, this only happened once now and then it also went away again. But just curious if there is anything I can do to prevent this in the future, thanks.

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