Non function pads in gerber file [hackrf] [SOLVED]

I am modifying the hackrf one to include an Artix-7 FPGA for DSP purposes. I sent the gerber files off to a pcb fab in Taiwan for a prototype. They screen capped this picture:

asking if they could remove the non-function pad. The pad in question is a power trace to Vcc via for the MAX2837 in the hackrf rf frontend, as well as some GND vias and the thermal relief pads for the MAX2837’s exposed pad.

Could somebody please explain why the pads in question are non function pads.

(P.S: I have not made any changes to the rf section of the hackrf one, it is the same as in the original.)

Sounds like those pads aren’t connected to anything else, thus they want to remove it… you got the gerber files, what do they tell you when you look at them?

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@Joan_Sparky yeah they were not necessary we removed them.

I thought all the pins of a MAX2837 are functional and the centre pad is a big heatsink?
The package is rated at almost 3W at 70C

The “unconnected pads” are on an internal layer, there are connections on other layers.

I don’t know why the fabber wants to remove them, what is the benefit to them?

In general, removing “unneeded” pads might cause differences with EMC or thermal characteristics, but too small to be significant?

If it is an inner layer than the via might still go through but they want to remove the extra copper ring around it on the layer where nothing connects to it. (Or am i wrong here?)

@davidsrsb it wasn’t the thermal vias on the MAX2837, the vias near the track were what they were referring to.

OK, this topic is referred to on these links. It seems to be a common practice.

the link has “(” and “)” in it. This creates problems on this forum if they are not escaped. Here the working link.

Thanks, I hate escaping rules

Can you send the hackrf Gerber file?