Nightly symbols/footprints?

I’m running Ubuntu 20.04 and using the 6.0RC1 nightlies. I’ve noticed that the kicad nightlies update everyday, but I haven’t seen a update to the footprints or symbols for quite a while.

Looking at the gitlab site I see there are constantly updates to the libraries, so my query is should I also be getting these updates?

ii  kicad-nightly                              202112152102+d785a97940~144~ubuntu20.04.1       amd64        Electronic schematic and PCB design software
ii  kicad-nightly-demos                        202112152102+d785a97940~144~ubuntu20.04.1       all          Common files used by kicad
ii  kicad-nightly-footprints                   202111071120+4ce224209~14~ubuntu20.04.1         all          Kicad footprints (modules)
ii  kicad-nightly-libraries                    1:202110201131+11~ubuntu20.04.1                 all          meta-package for dep to all KiCad libraries (symbols, footprints, templates and 3D models)
ii  kicad-nightly-packages3d                   202110241446+1080b6e5~13~ubuntu20.04.1          all          Kicad packages3d (3d models for footprints)
ii  kicad-nightly-symbols                      202111071123+27b62739~10~ubuntu20.04.1          all          Kicad symbols (schematic)
ii  kicad-nightly-templates                    202110211119+8c9ff3d~11~ubuntu20.04.1           all          Kicad templates

Looking at the versions installed they were updated a month ago, which ties into the build versions here:

If as I suspect these are only being built every now and again, how can I get updates more often?

With KiCad 5.x when it used to be on github I used to download the master from

and unzip it to


Guessing I can do the same with gitllab?

I should probably raise a FR for this, but are there any plans for a library updater to be built into KiCad?

Those are probably up-to-date, the libraries haven’t seen many updates recently.

Symbols and Footprints were both last updated about a month ago:

Thanks. I think my mistake was looking at this (The update 4 days ago is probably for some other branch, not the master)

I suspect that’s the last time an issue or merge request was updated - library merge requests seem to stack up faster than they can be reviewed.

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