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I have no idea when this crept into the system.

Bug number 1767826.

This bug (and others like it that lurk in software and hardware) argues heavily for frequent use of content management software like Git, Subversion, or the like. My philosophy is never go longer between commits than I’m willing to re-do after a failure.

Given how cheap disk drives and network-attached servers are, anything worth preserving should be stored in at least two places, preferably shadowed on multiple pieces of media. Even my home system has RAID-1 protection of the /home partition, and my Git repos live on a RAID-1 server that cost less than $300 to assemble and consumes less power than an old incandescent nightlight. I’ve been burned too many times by failures to have it any other way.


I propose saving a copy of the .sch or .pcb files as .bak when the application opens would be a useful feature. It would aid with this problem and also for major OOPS that is made and too quickly saved with a Ctrl-S.

Better yet, they could save bak1 and bak2 etc for a number decided by the user.

Some of us who have grown up at the same time the PC was growing up have the Ctrl S movement in muscle memory.


AFAIK,while this forum has some developers that monitor this forum, this is not the place for official comments on the bug-tracker.

It would likely be more effective if you post your comments on the official bug-tracker sight.

For those curious about the bug, but don’t remember how to look up bugs by index number, this one is a link: 1767826


Why we back up.
I have had some crashes tidying up tracks, where I have widened a track and the new one has ended up on top of the old one.

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This could be interesting. Some others EDAs save as “last loaded file”.

The bug is believed closed for 1 month now. Let’s hope its really gone

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