Next Release 7.0.6 or 7.0.7

What will be next as 7.0.6 no published yet?

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7.0.6 has not been tagged yet. So far we have seen RC1 and RC2, so 7.0.6 is the most likely.

It looks for me that you assume that .6 means June release. It is not so. V5 during 3 years reached .12 release and not .36 release.
7.0.3 and 7.0.4 were skipped not because of May but because of some bugs found after that numbers were used. To not make a mess in such cases number is skipped (numbers are free).

This arrived in my updates tray a few days ago:


But then @marekr made this comment just a few hours ago:

I downloaded last Monday or Tuesday (can’t remember which).
From Marekr’s comment, I suppose the release availability depends on the OS packages.

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