Newline in symbol value

How can I split the value of a part in to two lines, without creating a new parameter(value 2).
In some cases, the value of a part gets quite long, and it would be nice if the value would be spited in to multiple lines.
I tried simple enter and shift enter but also writing “\n” and nothing worked

How can I split the value of a part in to two lines

Currently not possible with Kicad.

I have seen a gitlab-isssue regarding multi-line values/fields in the past, but I have not found it again.

I don’t use the full manufacturer part identification at schematic. I only care to have unique values in my world. For example a most often used SMA 1A diode have a value D1A and most often used SMB 18V transil has a value T18V.

Yes, in some cases one can shorten the value, but in others that is not possible. With resistors, for example, one may want a “100k” but it also needs to be “1/8W” and “1%” and this results in a longer value, which would be nice if one could split it um in 3 lines.

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Why? Does it have special significance? Neither simulator, ERC, netlist

Generally right, but practically you can simplify it.
In my libraries before KiCad 1k meant 1k 0603 5% and to specify 1% I had 1k_1% and for 0402 I had 1k_4. My assumption was that the value clearly specify element. When moved to KiCad (2017) I decided that difference between 5% and 1% resistors is so small that I can use only 1% and I also decided that I need not to see at schematic if resistor is 0603 or 0402 so now not value alone specify the element but value+footprint. So both 1k 0603 and 1k 0402 at my schematic have a value 1k.

it can have if you for example need to closely track what components are populated on a board. it is also mandatory if you want to have a 0.1%, 1% and 5% resistor in the same library and honor the kicad library conventions which require the value to match the component name (not sure if this has changed recently tho)

which require the value to match the component name (not sure if this has changed recently tho)

yes, changed with v7.

As the discussion has moved away from “multi-line fields” (which as said is not possible today) to “what information is stored in the value string” my behaviour:

  • value mostly contains a shorted information. just enough to understand the schematic.
  • If it’s important in the schematic sub-info is added like 47uF/25V
  • the real production information is stored in the MF and MPN fields (manufacturer and production number)
  • for all generic components there is a generic requirement for voltage, power rating, precision, …
  • every symbol contains a additional field “BEMERKUNG” (==“remark”), which contains additional requirements different from the standard
  • this whole process depends also on the requirement of the pcb assembler. If they have other requirements regarding voltage/power rating in the BOM: then the workflow could look different
  • usage of the value string for simulation: is not taken into account (no simulation - because a simulation can’t produce the holy smoke)

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