Newbie question about pwm signal and transistors

Hello I’m new to kicad and doing my first project so I wanted to make a led which brightness can be adjusted using a transistor which q1 comes from a pwm output. I didn’t calculate the values of resistors and such cause I wanted to find out if the circuit in general would work. So if anyone could give any tips I would be deeply thankful.

Sorry but this is an electronics design question and not to do with the use of KiCad. You can find explanations of PWM on the Internet with a good search.

BTW, your schematic looks badly wrong. Better read up on how transistors are used to drive LEDs. And in fact, maybe the transistor isn’t needed at all of the MCU can supply enough current.

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Good to khow sadly mcu atleast by my calculations does not output enough power so I’ll look into how to drive a led Thanos for help😍

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