Newbie (just got KiCad v8)- import symbol driving me nuts

I have managed to import a symbol for complementary MOSFETS I grabbed off a PDF datasheet, and edited (to remove a pin name). But I created a new symbol, and it was HUGE!!! as I noticed when I created the value and reference designator (which then showed up in the editor). I imported more versions of different sizes, but had to create a new symbol (with a new name). Is there some way to resize it without re-importing it?

Isn’t there some way to replace a symbol with a newly imported one?

ALSO: I created a pin, but can’t seem to move the name or pin numbers to the desired locations relative to the line for the connection. In fact I can only select all three (two labels and the line) and none of those items individually. What’s the secret?

Find something similar in the standard KiCad libraries, Save As to your personal library, edit this symbol from your personal library. This way it will be a logical size and lots of the work will already be done for you. Essentially all a symbol needs is the right number pf pins, with correct pin numbers and names so you know which is which . . . if it looks pretty that is a bonus but not essential.

Are you using Personal Libraries?
Are you editing in the Symbol Editor?

Huge at screen or huge file size?
Do I well understand that you create symbol by importing bitmap graphic?

I think there is no way to individually move them when you want them. You can set offset for pin names but it is common to all pins (can’t be more specific as have not KiCad here and don’t remember details).
But for symbols showing by graphic what pin is what (like diode, transistor) or for two pin symbols with both pins having the same function (R, C, L) I hide pin names and numbers at schematic as they give no important information reading the schematic. So practically I have at schematic pin names and numbers only for rectangle IC symbols.

What does this mean:

KiCad already has some complementary MOSFET’s in it’s own library. Take for example a look at: DMC2053UVT.

This device has two units (A and B) for the schematic symbol, and a TSOT-23-6 footprint for the PCB.

As far as I know, there is no method in KiCad to move pin numbers or names relative to the pin at all in KiCad. Some tricks you can use is to use a short pin to get the text where you want it, and then “extend” it with a graphical line of the same color. This is commonly used for transistors, and you can study the example above. Another method is to hide pin numbers and text, and use separate texts, but think carefully whether you want to go that way. The best is probably to just re-use one of the library fets, and make minimal changes (such as pin number ordering and default footprint, datasheet links, etc) but leave all the graphics as they are. This keeps your own schematic in line with the KiCad’s default libraries, and keeping the same overall style keeps everything “neater”.

Many thanks- that is very helpful, @paulvdh!

But, I guess you can’t move the text labels to where you want them. For rectangular packages, or those with two pins in a straight line, that’s fine.

I will try to adapt the MOSFET component you mentioned. Similar everything to what I need! I am trying to get a board done by the end of this week. (OTOH, it took weeks to learn the proprietary package that I used to pay good money to update yearly- EasyPC- pretty good software before I retired). I wish I could import those components I made over the years.

Of course you can: single left click to select then hold left button down and drag, or R for rotate or double left click or right click for all sorts of stuff on any text. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have you tried?
You will probably need Personal Libraries first.

Are you using Personal Libraries?
Are you editing in the Symbol Editor?

answers: yes, yes (I just realized that I did create a new lib before adding a symbol and importing the image)
Since I am a noob- please tell me how those things matter as regards symbol size (vs default text size, and position).

This FAQ will help you to promote yourself to the next level so you can paste stuff into the forum.

There is much information here: as well as articles in the FAQ (top of every forum page) that may also be of use. :slightly_smiling_face:

Kicad libraries are “Read Only”.

If you wish to alter Kicad library footprints and symbols permanently and have them available for multiple projects, you must first move them to Global Personal Libraries. Likewise for Importing from elsewhere.

Altering in the Symbol Editor and saving to a project means those parts will only be available in the project they were altered. These parts can be copied from the schematic to Project Libraries and/or Global Libraries, but before you too involved with Kicad, you will find it is good practice to set up a Global Personal Library system for yourself.

Kicad schematics work on a 50 mil grid. You need to work with a 50 mil or 25 mil grid to position wires and symbols correctly, consequently, symbol size doesn’t change. Text size & position stays where you place it in a Personal Library.
Personally, in most cases, I use an A3 sheet for schematics then reduce to A4 for printing. I don’t like huge printed symbols.

I have described my KiCad files organisation here:

I use A4, but I don’t use KiCad symbols and all my symbols are smaller.

I think you should do some strategic decisions before working with KiCad. One of them is if you use only your symbols and footprints (like me) or you mix KiCad and your symbols.
I install KiCad with libraries, but I don’t use KiCad symbol library. When I am to design new footprint I look through KiCad footprint library (not in kicad but in file manager, as in KiCad footprint=file) and select potential candidates and copy them into my library that I see in KiCad.
Till now (I am still in V7, don’t know if it was changed in V8) I see people mixing their library with KiCad have small problem when main KiCad version number changes. They have to add once more into KiCad library list their personal libraries. I don’t have to do it as my library lists containing only my libraries are still valid.

Thank you, Piotr. This is basically the (library) approach that I took with my old schematic capture software, and the one I am using now. I can copy the components I need (like common R, C and such), then add the ones I want to use to my own libraries. I have seen the suggestion to create a lib for each schematic, but I think that went away after V6 (or so) since components are saved with each project, so they can be easily shared. (And I think that is a really great decision on the part of the developers.)

And thank you, jmk for trying to be helpful.

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I work much as Piotr.
I only use Personal Global Libraries and each symbol has a footprint attached. I don’t have values attached to symbols, only footprints.
I use the “save as” function to place Kicad library parts into Personal libraries and then modify to suit, or, I create symbols or footprints. I don’t ever try to import symbols or footprints. Generally, I find it easier and quicker to make a part using the graphics tools, than scour the internet looking for something that may be suitable.
This library system takes a bit of work up front, but it makes creating schematics and PCBs so, so easy. Usually only a couple of ICs need symbols and footprints for each project.

I noticed Piotr has 24 symbol libraries. I have 25. :grinning:

@lunix there are a couple of FAQs on personal library tips, creation and position manipulations in the FAQs that are probably worth your reading.

It was 2022. Now I have 26 (C2 and C3 are the new once) :grinning:

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